Bed Cred | @lotsoffun.kinderkamers

Bed Cred | @lotsoffun.kinderkamers

Posted by Swedish Linens on



Throughout our journey on Instagram we've seen our bed sheets ending up on some really amazing beds, some of which are completely custom made by their owners. We decided it'd be a crime not to share these with you!

So say hello to our new blog category, where we are going to feature our favorite beds! You will also be able to find these beds on our Instagram feed and under their special hashtag #bedcred.

First up is a custom-made bed at the home of Lotte, aka @lotsoffun.kinderkamers.





We interviewed Lotte to hear more about how this wonderful bed came about.

- How did you come up with the idea for these wonderful beds?

"I was looking for cozy beds for the girls because the girls slept so poorly. Every night they came over to sleep with us. So the plan was a cozy bed that they'd feel safe in... And sleep better in. They got a little brother so there was no choice anymore"

- Who designed the beds?

"The rooms have slanted walls so it was not easy to find beds that fit well, so we had to come up with a solution. I looked at Pinterest and found some ideas, that I put together and asked my father in law for advice on how we could make it"




- Who built it?

"My father in law, who is retired, is a very handy man and he loves to help us around the house. We are so lucky!"

- How long did it take him to build the beds?

"I think it took about 2 days but he did it in stages"




- Can you tell us more about the building process? Was it problem-free or did you have some issues along the way?

"The material we used is plywood which is a difficult wood... Because the colors of the panels were not the same it didn't look right. I chose to paint it with white wash so the colors of the panels were more even on the whole bed.

- So what did the girls think, were they happy with the result?

"First my oldest daughter got her bed. She was very happy, it was like a cozy tent. She immediately slept better because she felt safe in it. Then I was pregnant, and my youngest still slept poorly. So my father in law asked if she would also want a similar bed. We're really lucky, since the girls got their beds (and your sheets!) they both sleep a lot better!" 

- How lovely to hear! Finally, do you have any tips for others who want to build their own bed?

"If you too have slanted walls then this bed can be a nice idea. It's really cozy and it's super when you have less space."

- What about the construction of the bed?

"My father in law first made a wooden frame. The bottom is from an Ikea bed. He then built poles to the ceiling and wall. And then he attached the panels to the poles. A great thing about this bed is that you can choose how wide you want the drawer to be. We have wide drawers where we can store all their toys".

The sheets Lotte is using in the photos are the Nudy pink rainbows sheet and the Olive green Seashells sheet.

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